She is enjoying her healthy life without any issue

She is enjoying her healthy life without any issue

Anorectal malformation of Bisma Riaz

Bisma Raiz's Story

The Anorectal malformation of Bisma Riaz was successful. Bisma, a 5 years old girl had her colostomy made at 7th day of life for Anorectal malformation- Rectovaginal fistula present since birth. After this, her back passage was formed in another surgery and she was advised surgery to reverse her temporary opening for passage of stool- colostomy closure. Her surgery was done in Akram Medical Complex on 12-06-18 by Dr. Naveed Haider. Her colostomy was closed and intestinal continuity was restored. She recovered well in three days of hospital stay and was discharged in good health.


Donated: $ 431.89

 Osman Masood

Donated: $ 64.99

 Shoaib Hassan

Donated: $ 43.19

 Bobbi Ali

Donated: $ 5.01

Total Funds

$ 545.08

Funds Raised

$ 545.08
100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
$ 545.08 Raised

Successfully Operated

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