Tayyab Raza’s Open-Heart Surgery was Successful
Syed Tayyab Raza's Story
Syed Tayyab Raza, a one-year-old innocent boy from Karachi, had been suffering from shortness of breath and chest discomfort since birth. Simple activities, like feeding or crying, left little Tayyab gasping for air, and his skin often turned blue. As he grew, his symptoms became more severe which led his parents to consult a doctor. After a thorough examination and evaluation, the doctor diagnosed him with Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF), a complex congenital heart defect that was the cause of his cyanosis and difficulty in breathing. To repair the defects in his heart, the doctor recommended open-heart surgery for total correction. However, Tayyab’s family was unable to afford the costly surgery.
The doctors made it clear that without the surgical intervention, Tayyab’s life would be at risk. With every breath he took, his parents were heartbroken, knowing that their beloved son was struggling. Tayyab lives in a modest rented house with his seven family members. His father is a teacher at a school and his meager monthly income covers their basic needs only. Due to their financial hardships, Tayyab’s father could not imagine how he would ever afford the surgery that could save his son’s life. In this dark moment, a neighbor told him about Transparent Hands. He turned to us, asked for help, and we registered his case.
On June 26, 2024, Tayyab was admitted to Ittefaq Hospital in Lahore. The surgery was scheduled for the following day, June 27, 2024. Dr. Asim Khan skillfully managed his complex case and performed open-heart surgery for total correction.
Tayyab was hospitalized for six days and received post-operative care. His parents celebrated his discharge on July 1, 2024. Tayyab’s transformation was nothing short of a miracle. Tayyab’s parents expressed their emotions as follows:
“When we thought all hope was gone, your kindness brought us light and hope. The surgery has given our son a second chance at life. We are so thankful for your love and support. Our son’s heart is healed now.”
The road to recovery was long, but their son’s life has been saved and his future is secure and healthy now. We are immensely grateful to you and Pakistan Children’s Heart Foundation for helping Tayyab and saving his life.
Donated: $ 1,408.46
Donated: $ 701.98
Ali Hassan Syed
Donated: $ 217
Muhammad Adeel Arif
Donated: $ 135.18
Donated: $ 120
Sarah Qureshi
Donated: $ 120
Owais Mirza
Donated: $ 96.38
Wamiq Hamid
Donated: $ 75
Akash Soomro
Donated: $ 50
Annus Rehman
Donated: $ 50
Maria Arrine
Donated: $ 48.19
Donated: $ 48.04
Donated: $ 30
Gasser Rezeika
Donated: $ 30
Donated: $ 27.12
Idris T Vasi
Donated: $ 25
Uzma Akhtar
Donated: $ 25
Donated: $ 24.13
zarqa ambreen
Donated: $ 24.01
Donated: $ 18.97
Mohammed shahzad Shafiq
Donated: $ 18.29
Haseeb Mansoor
Donated: $ 9
Muhammad Qasim
Donated: $ 8.53
Donated: $ 2
TH EmergencyFund
Donated: $ 1.10
Valerii Belotskii
Donated: $ 0.16