Thank you for blessing Shamsa with good health, it was not possible without your support

Thank you for blessing Shamsa with good health, it was not possible without your support

Shamsa Saleem

Shamsa Saleem's Story

Shamsa Saleem 70 years old lady was presented with a long standing painful lump in her Lt. Hypochondrium. She was advised surgical treatment for relief. Her surgery was done in Lahore Care Hospital by Dr. Ahmed Fawad on 26-09-19. She had 3×4 cm lobulated fatty lump in her abdominal wall which was excised. She stayed in hospital for one day and recovered well after surgery. She was discharged in good condition.

 Shahid Hassain

Donated: $ 278.53

 Madihullah Riaz

Donated: $ 20

 Madihullah Riaz

Donated: $ 10

Total Funds

$ 308.53

Funds Raised

$ 308.53
100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
$ 308.53 Raised

Successfully Operated

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