Thank you for donating to Alisha Bibi. She is well now

Thank you for donating to Alisha Bibi. She is well now

Alisha Bibi

Alisha Bibi's Story

Alisha Bibi, 16 years old, was suffering from swelling on the right side of her neck for the last 4 months. She was diagnosed with cystic hygroma and was advised excision under anesthesia. Her surgery was performed by Dr. Ahmad Fawad, on 23-07-20, in Lahore Care Hospital. She stayed for 1 day in the hospital and was discharged pain-free.

 Launch Good

Donated: $ 576.78

Total Funds

$ 576.78

Funds Raised

$ 576.78
100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
$ 576.78 Raised

Successfully Operated

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