Thank you for gifting this man a new life

Thank you for gifting this man a new life

Shafiq Ahmed Shah's Story

Shafiq Ahmed 52 years old was experiencing frequent episodes of dyspnoea and chest pain for 4 years. He was diagnosed as a case of Ischemic heart disease and was advised percutaneous intervention (PCI) + Angioplasty. His procedure was done in National Defence Hospital on 26-10-18 by Dr Tayyab Mohyuddin. He had Left Coronary Artery (RCA) occlusion which was stented. Procedure was successful and patient was discharged next day with good recovery.

 Packages Foundation

Donated: $ 3,101.05


Donated: $ 0.81

Total Funds

$ 3,101.87

Funds Raised

$ 3,101.87
100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
$ 3,101.87 Raised

Successfully Operated

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