Thank you for helping Sehrish Bibi. She is much better now

Thank you for helping Sehrish Bibi. She is much better now


Sehrish Bibi's Story

Sehrish Bibi, 30 years old, was suffering from chronic cholelithiasis – also known as gallbladder stones for the last five years. She was advised a lap. cholecystectomy; a surgical procedure in which the gallbladder is removed. Her surgery was done on 01-09-2020 by Dr. Faryal Azhar at Maryam Memorial Hospital. She remained admitted in the hospital for two days after her surgery and was discharged in good health. Sehrish Bibi has now resumed her normal way of living.

 TK World Group

Donated: $ 504.40

 TH EmergencyFund

Donated: $ 167.33

Total Funds

$ 671.73

Funds Raised

$ 671.73
100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
$ 671.73 Raised

Successfully Operated

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