Thank you for sending in donations! Naila has recovered.
Naila Bibi's Story
Naila, 31 years old, was suffering from pain in the right hypochondriac area with vomiting. She was diagnosed with acute cholecystitis. Her lap. cholecystectomy surgery was done in Abid Hospital, Mian Channu, by Dr. Abdul Saeed Sajid, on 02-06-20. She was discharged in a good condition after 2 days of stay in the hospital.
Donated: $ 185.77
Donated: $ 100
Rashad A Nasir
Donated: $ 80
Stephanie A Hargett
Donated: $ 30
Kanwal Altaf
Donated: $ 26.78
Launch Good
Donated: $ 12.10
Umer Rana
Donated: $ 10
Nimotalahi A King
Donated: $ 10