Your immense support has created a huge impact in his life

Your immense support has created a huge impact in his life

Ghulam Jillani's Story


Ghulam Gillani is a 62 years old patient under treatment for Hepatitis C. He had long standing inguinal hernia for which he was advised surgery.

His Herniorraphy was done on 21-12-16 at Zainab Memorial Hospital by Dr. Ahmed Fawad. He remained admitted for two days with uneventful post op course and was discharged in stable condition. He hasn’t resumed to his work yet as he wants to recover completely before any labour.

 Sabena mir

Donated: $ 436.44

Total Funds

$ 436.44

Funds Raised

$ 436.44
100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
$ 436.44 Raised

Successfully Operated

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