Thank you for saving Asif’s life from misery
Asif Ali's Story
M. Asif Ali 11 years old boy presented with shortness of breath and fatigue especially on exertion. He was diagnosed with supravalvular Aortic Stenosis (AS) and was advised surgical repair. His surgery was performed through Pakistan Children Heart Foundation in Ittefaq Hospital on 21-06-16 by Dr Salman A. Shah . His Patch Aortoplasty was done and supravalvular AS was relieved. He stayed for 12 days in hospital right from his definitive work up till complete recovery from operation. He was discharged after full recovery and relieved from his symptoms.
Donated: $ 2,764.48
Donated: $ 1,907.85
Donated: $ 573.07
TH EmergencyFund
Donated: $ 21.04