With the help of your donations, we were successfully able to treat Zubaida Bibi!
Zubaida Bibi's Story
Zubaida Bibi, 58 years old, fell on a slippery road and fractured her arm bone (Humerus), one year ago. She was treated with a plaster cast but that later resulted in non-union of her fracture which means that the fractured bone in her right arm did not heal properly. For correction of this condition, she was advised an internal fixation with intramedullary nail along with bone grafting. She was admitted in Akram Medical Complex and the procedure was performed by Dr. Abdul Latif Shahid on 15.10.2020. Zubaida stayed in the hospital for two days and was discharged in a stable condition. The doctor has fixed her fractured bone and she is advised rest so that the bone can heal.
“The broken bone in my arm caused a lot of pain. I could not sleep on the right side, neither could I put any pressure on it. My right arm was practically non-functional. I really needed a doctor to help me with my situation and I am so grateful to have been provided this support by the Transparent Hands team.”– Zubaida Bibi
TK World Group
Donated: $ 504.75
Donated: $ 204.64