With your gracious support, she is now doing great
Shahida Tariq's Story
Shahida Tariq 44 years old lady was suffering from pain in her Rt. Flank for the last 3 years. She was diagnosed to have multiple stones in her Rt. kidney and was advised surgery for their removal. Her surgery was done in Abid Hospital, Mian Channu on 17-08-18 by Dr. Rao Shahid Hussain. Her right Nephrolithotomy was done and stones were retrieved. She stayed for 4 days in the hospital. Her recovery was good and she was discharged pain-free.
Zigron Inc
Donated: $ 129.70
Kashif Mueen
Donated: $ 110.29
Samina Salahuddin
Donated: $ 98.69
Omar Hassan
Donated: $ 40.36
Rabia Javed
Donated: $ 2
Shujat Mirza
Donated: $ 0.14