You Helped Irum get back on her Feet

You Helped Irum get back on her Feet

Irum ehsan post image

Irum Ehsan's Story

Irum, a 32-year-old resident of Lahore, had a medical history of ANCA-associated vasculitis, a type of autoimmune disorder that causes inflammation and damage to blood vessels in the body. This condition led to gangrene in her right leg. Irum initially visited a rheumatologist for her condition, who then referred her to an orthopedic surgeon. Due to the severity of her condition, her right leg had to be amputated. In 2022, she received her first prosthesis through Transparent Hands. However, the prosthesis has now worn out and Irum requires a replacement for her right ankle and foot prosthesis. However, because of her limited resources, she was unable to pay for it. 

She reached out to Transparent Hands, and we registered her case. Under the supervision of Dr. Khalid at Hope Rehabilitation Centre, she got an ankle-foot replacement on 11-7-2023. After getting it replaced, she was overjoyed to be able to walk again.

This made a world of difference for Irum, a woman with no means of support. The ankle-foot replacement boosted her confidence and made everyday activities much easier. She could now fulfill her daily responsibilities and care for her family with newfound strength.

The prosthetic limb not only provided physical mobility but also brought emotional and psychological healing to her life. It gave her the confidence to face life’s challenges with resilience. With this invaluable support, she regained a sense of self-worth and independence, approaching life with optimism and hope. Irum felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude towards the donors whose generosity made this transformation possible. Their help restored her ability to walk and renewed her belief in the kindness and generosity of humanity. Irum now had a fresh start with regaining his mobility and independence, feeling relieved and empowered by this little act of kindness.

 Ujala Ahmad

Donated: $ 29.25

 Hope Rehabilitation Center

Donated: $ 6.04

 TH EmergencyFund

Donated: $ 0

Total Funds

$ 35.29

Funds Raised

$ 35.29
100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
$ 35.29 Raised

Successfully Operated

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