You Helped Muhammad Shazain Gain Auditory Ability

You Helped Muhammad Shazain Gain Auditory Ability

Muhammad Shazain post image

Muhammad Shazain's Story

Muhammad Shazain, a three-year-old boy from Mehrab Pur, faced a daunting challenge early in life: profound hearing loss. Born without the ability to hear, his world lacked the beautiful symphony of sounds. Concerned for his well-being, Shazain’s parents sought medical guidance, which led them to the hope of cochlear implant surgery.

The prospect of a cochlear implant offered a glimmer of hope for Shazain and his family. However, the high cost of the surgery seemed insurmountable given their limited income. Turning to Transparent Hands for support, Shazain’s parents reached out in hopes of a brighter future for their son.

With the assistance of Transparent Hands, Shazain found himself admitted to GIMS Hospital in Gambat. On 11-1-2024, Dr. Maqbool performed the life-changing surgery, implanting the device that would open the doors to a world filled with sound. Remarkably, Shazain was discharged from the hospital after just one day, signaling the beginning of his transformative journey.

Guided by the expertise of Dr. Maqbool and supported by compassionate donors, Shazain embarked on a path of rediscovery. The cochlear implant became his bridge to the world of sound, offering him the chance to hear the laughter of loved ones and the melodies of nature.

Shazain’s story serves as a beacon of hope for families navigating similar challenges. The surgery, made possible by the generosity of donors and the skill of medical professionals, represents a pivotal moment in his life. It signifies the dawn of a new chapter, where Shazain can fully engage in the rich tapestry of life’s experiences, connecting with others and embracing the joy of sound.

As Muhammad Shazain continues his journey, supported by ongoing care and therapy, he embodies the resilience and determination that define the human spirit. His success story inspires us all, reminding us that with perseverance and support, barriers can be overcome, and dreams can be realized.


Donated: $ 8,382.89

 Zahra Sultan

Donated: $ 1,368.22

 Sabena mir

Donated: $ 320.47


Donated: $ 170

 Faizan Khalid

Donated: $ 124

 Samar minallah khan

Donated: $ 90.22


Donated: $ 54.36

 Madihullah Riaz

Donated: $ 50


Donated: $ 0.04

Total Funds

$ 10,560.20

Funds Raised

$ 10,560.20
100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
$ 10,560.20 Raised

Successfully Operated

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