Zahida Parveen is much better now, thanks to your support

Zahida Parveen is much better now, thanks to your support


Zahida Parveen's Story

Zahida Parveen, 55 years old, was suffering from chronic kidney disease (CKD) for the last few months. She is a diagnosed case of hypertension and is on regular dialysis for her kidney failure. She was advised to surgically created AV fistula formation for her dialysis. She was operated on by Dr. Ubaid Ullah on 14-07-20, in Lahore Care Hospital. She stayed for one day in the hospital and was discharged in perfect health.

 Calum Meikle

Donated: $ 311.86

 Fahad Aqeel

Donated: $ 50

Total Funds

$ 361.86

Funds Raised

$ 361.86
100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
$ 361.86 Raised

Successfully Operated

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