Thanksgiving & Transparent Hands: A Perfect Combination!

Thanksgiving & Transparent Hands: A Perfect Combination!

What is the most important lesson the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us? That life will only continue if we put health care first! Other things can wait. We have seen significant injections in the healthcare sector worldwide after the epidemic. But one cannot expect the governments to take all the responsibility! The community should play its part as well. Therefore, on important events like Thanksgiving, we should not refrain from contributing in any way we can to support the health care initiatives. Especially in less developed countries like Pakistan, society has to support the authorities to get life back to normal. Donation drives on festive events like Thanksgiving give us a perfect opportunity in this regard. Any small or large donation, dime or diamond, can make a huge difference! So don’t let the donation size dampen your spirit of giving!

Donate before Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is yet another reminder for everyone that the privileged owe the underprivileged a lot of stuff. Of course, some of you may think that Thanksgiving drives are another form of charity, but it is much more than that. We are talking about a festive day here that awakens our collective sympathy and empathy in a very efficient manner. The feelings of compassion don’t ebb away in just twenty-four hours! The days like Thanksgiving rekindle the spirit of generosity in all of us!

There are many ways in which one can celebrate Thanksgiving. We know that most people like to share food with those who can afford it. There is a longer line than usual in food banks, a common theme you will notice on Thanksgiving 2022 in the USA and worldwide. Another way to help a person is to finance their health care problems that need immediate attention. You can search for a local charitable organization or international donation forum for this purpose. The one platform you can trust with your eyes shut is Transparent Hands.

There is no bigger platform than Transparent Hands in Pakistan when raising money for health care. The spectrum of health care services offered by Transparent Hands is astounding. From treatment and surgery to medical camps and health facilities, the NGO makes sure that poor Pakistanis have access to quality health care services. The NGO believes in creating a patient donation bond while ensuring that transparency agreements are not violated at any time. The NGO recognizes the need for free medical camps in rural areas, establishing such camps. To donate, donors can access the Transparent Hands crowdfunding web portal from anywhere in the world. Payment methods are 100% secure. Everyone who donates has a great deal of freedom in choosing and funding the patients their choice. The NGO ensures regular reviews until complete recovery are sent to the affected donor.

Give Generously Before 2021 Ends: New Year Donation Plan

Crowdfunding is one of the most revolutionary ideas in modern-day charity. Small donations can help collectors achieve the desired charity objective in a brief period, which is quite remarkable! The collective empathy eventually translates into donations worth billions of dollars globally every year on Thanksgiving. By proper scheming and planning, trust organizations can provide support and relief to many people every Thanksgiving. It sounds a little improbable, but it happens everywhere, every year! Thanksgiving 2022 will be no different; we can promise you that!

Well, we wish we could throw in some more tips for preparing for this year’s Thanksgiving. Sadly, we have run out of space and time we had for this brief! But now you know where to donate on Thanksgiving! On that optimistic note, we bid you farewell from this space!

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