10 Commonly Asked Questions About Dehydration

10 Commonly Asked Questions About Dehydration


We experience dehydration when we release more liquids than we are consuming. If left untreated, it may worsen and develop into a significant health issue. The body’s performance is impacted when the typical amount of water in it decreases, which throws off the balance of minerals in your body. 

Over 2/3 of a healthy person’s body is made up of water. Here are the ten most commonly asked questions about dehydration.

1-What causes Dehydration?

The most common cause of dehydration is diarrhea. Diarrhea limits the large intestine’s water-holding capacity. Dehydration occurs when the body excretes too much water. Vomiting also causes it. Other reasons include increased urination, excessive sweating, and consuming less water over long periods. 

2-How Many Glasses of Water Should One Drink to Stay Hydrated?

Eight 8-ounce glasses, which equates to around 2 liters or half a gallon, is the typical daily recommendation from medical specialists. It’s called the 8×8 rule. This number can vary from person to person depending on their body. 

3-How to Avoid Dehydration in Extreme Heat? 

Extreme heat is one of the leading causes of dehydration. One must adopt a strategy to combat the extreme heat and avoid dehydration due to it. Some of the measures that can be taken in this regard are avoiding direct sunlight, finding an air-conditioned shelter, taking cool showers multiple times a day, and setting up reminders for drinking water on a regular basis. Furthermore, it is best to stay indoors on particularly hot days. 

4-Can Someone Faint Due to Dehydration?

Dehydration can cause dizziness and fainting. The blood volume reduces when someone is moderately or severely dehydrated, which lowers blood pressure. The cells and organs in the body, including the brain, receive oxygen and nourishment through the blood. If the blood does not have good pressure, it will not reach all parts of the body effectively. A dehydrated person’s brain may not get enough oxygen from the blood, and this can result in fainting.

5-What Are the Signs of Dehydration?

Some of the symptoms that indicate that your body is dehydrated include darker urine, smaller quantities of urine, headache, feeling tired, and lack of concentration. If you experience any of these symptoms, drink plenty of water or other fluids.

6-Can Salty Food items Make You Feel Dehydrated?

Salty food items can make you feel thirsty. It is no secret that excessive consumption of sodium chloride can cause it, high blood pressure, and other health problems.

7-Is Drinking Excessive Water Good?

When somebody is severely dehydrated, it’s important to replenish the amount of water in the body as soon as possible. It is not a good idea to drink too much water under normal circumstances. Consuming too much water can also lead to health problems.

8-Can Dehydration Occur During Fasting?

While millions of people fast even in hot climates without facing dehydration, it can occur if all the necessary precautions and health measures are not taken. It’s important to drink plenty of water before and after fasting and if the weather is hot, consider avoiding too much exposure to direct sunlight and heat.

9-Can Juice and Other Drinks Overcome Dehydration?

Besides water, a variety of delectable and healthful drinks are equally effective at keeping you hydrated. Some of these drinks can also replenish electrolytes, salt, vitamins, and minerals. 

10-Can Dehydration Prove to be Deadly?

But dehydration is not something to be taken lightly as it can also cause death. 

Transparent Hands arranges free medical camps and preventive healthcare sessions in places where people face dehydration due to extreme heat, water scarcity, and diarrhea. Help us save lives all across Pakistan. Donate now

(The information in this article should not be taken as a substitute for professional medical advice.)

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