10 Commonly Asked Questions About Migraine

10 Commonly Asked Questions About Migraine

10 Commonly Asked Questions About Migraine

A migraine is a severe headache that usually affects one side of the head. It is so painful, inconvenient, and undesirable that experiencing a migraine can make a person dread the next time it comes crawling back into their life. We’ve shortlisted the 10 most commonly asked questions about migraine to help you understand this condition. 

#1 What is the difference between a headache and a migraine?

A migraine typically causes more intense symptoms compared to a headache. It also tends to affect one side of the head. Besides causing severe pain in the head, migraine attacks can also include accompanying symptoms such as nausea, neck discomfort, vomiting, and muscle pain.

#2 Is migraine genetic?

Although the precise cause is unidentified, it is believed that temporary alterations in the brain’s chemical compounds, nerves, and blood vessels are responsible for it. Nearly half of all affected people also have an immediate relative with the disorder, which raises the possibility that genes may be involved.

#3 What are the causes of a migraine?

Unfortunately, migraine headaches are complex and not fully understood. You get headaches because certain nerves in your blood vessels deliver pain messages to the brain. This causes the nerves and blood vessels in the head to become inflamed. Why the nerves do something like this is a question that has not yet been successfully answered.

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#4 Can stress cause migraines?

We usually are unaware of the physical changes caused by stress until they become obvious. The brain releases certain chemicals when we are facing a fight or flight situation. It may develop as a result of these substances being released. Feelings like fear, nervousness, and excitement can tighten the muscles and widen the blood vessels. As a result, a migraine attack might become worse.

#5 Are there any medicines for migraine?

There are multiple prescription medicines in the form of tablets, injections, and nasal sprays, for treating migraines. They block the pathway of the brain’s pain signals. 

#6 What other symptoms are associated with migraines?

Besides pain in the head, some of the other symptoms experienced by patients suffering from migraines include:

  • A stiff neck
  • Constipation
  • Mood swings
  • Excessive yawning
  • Particular food cravings

#7 What can trigger migraines?

Typically characterized by throbbing pain on one side of the head, a migraine is a moderate to severe headache that can be triggered by several factors depending on the individual. Some patients are highly susceptible to light and noise.

Emotional stress and even caffeine can trigger the pain in some people.

#8 At what age do migraines begin?

It sounds like an adult problem, but some children also have migraine attacks. Any child can get it. About 10% of children aged 5-15 and up to 28% of teens get them. Half of the people who get it have their first attack before age of 12. Migraines have even been reported in children as young as 18 months!

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#9 Do only women have migraines?

Women have a higher chance of getting a migraine, but that doesn’t mean that men don’t experience this painful condition. The fact of the matter is that a large number of men also have migraines. However, women are three times more likely to suffer due to it.  

#10 Can a person have a migraine on both sides of their head?

Many people experience awful pain in one side of the head during a migraine. However, not only can migraine occur on both sides of the head, but it can even radiate to other parts of the body. Migraines can affect one side of the head, the entire head, the back of the head or neck, and occasionally even the face. The visual or sensory symptoms caused by migraine are collectively called an ‘Aura,’ which can occur among a small percentage of patients with migraine.

Transparent Hands holds free medical camps and preventive healthcare sessions all across Pakistan. Our expert doctors diagnose patients who are suffering from migraine and a wide range of other health problems. Support our free medical camps to bring quality healthcare to the underprivileged. 

(The information in this article should not be taken as a substitute for professional medical advice.)


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