Unfortunately, Arsalan couldn’t survive after heart surgery
Muhammad Arsallan's Story
Muhammad Arsalan 3 years old child was suffering from dyspnoea and bluish discoloration on mild exertion. He was evaluated and found to have congenital heart disease – Tetralogy of Fallot. He was advised Corrective Repair of the defects. His surgery was performed at Ittefaq Hospital, Lahore by Dr Salman A Shah. His corrective repair was done and he was shifted to ICU for invasive monitoring and post op care. His course of illness was complicated with Low Cardiac Output resulting in Acute Renal Failure (ARF) which was managed. Unfortunately, he did not respond well to all resuscitative measures and expired in ICU.
Donors who are supporting Muhammad Arsallan
Jawad Saleem
Donated: $ 110
Sarah Qureshi
Donated: $ 40
Shahvir Magol
Donated: $ 6
Donated: $ 180
Komal Fatima
Donated: $ 7
Mohammad Usman
Donated: $ 151
Abeera Wahaj
Donated: $ 10
Kashif Dastgir
Donated: $ 20
Mossadiq Ghanghro
Donated: $ 91
Ali Qureshi
Donated: $ 40
Donated: $ 18
Donated: $ 0.38
TH EmergencyFund
Donated: $ 207
Donated: $ 389
Donated: $ 701