Curing Cancer with Apricot Seeds – Myth or Reality?

Curing Cancer with Apricot Seeds – Myth or Reality?

apricot seeds for cancer

Cancer remains a major public health problem because of its complexity. Alternative treatments like apricot seeds for cancer have gained popularity in the search for efficient treatments. This blog post sheds light on the benefits and risks of apricot seeds, as well as their properties and their history of use in cancer treatment. 

Apricot Seeds for Cancer

Apricot seeds, also known as apricot kernels, are small kernels found inside apricot pits. They contain amygdalin, which is also known as laetrile or Vitamin B17. Amygdalin is made up of three components: glucose, benzaldehyde, and cyanide. The amygdalin found in apricot seeds is thought to have the ability to target and kill cancer cells while sparing healthy cells. However, there is not much scientific data to back up this assertion.

Promising Compounds in Apricot Seeds 

Apricot seeds also contain other substances that have drawn the attention of scientists in addition to amygdalin. Antioxidants like vitamin E and flavonoids, which have been linked to potential anticancer effects, are among them. It is important to remember that apricot seeds have relatively low concentrations of these substances when compared to other food sources. Although these substances might have some health benefits, they should not be used as the only means of treating cancer. 

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Historical Use of Amygdalin in Cancer Treatment 

In the 1950s, amygdalin became well-known as a complementary cancer treatment, largely as a result of claims made by Dr. Ernst T. Krebs Jr. and his son. They suggested that amygdalin could kill cancer cells by releasing cyanide when it came into contact with beta-glucosidase, an enzyme that is said to be more common in cancer cells. The American Cancer Society and FDA have classified amygdalin as an ineffective and potentially harmful treatment, despite subsequent research failing to support these assertions. 

Current Research Findings 

Research on the use of amygdalin or apricot seeds for cancer treatment is limited, and existing studies have presented non-accurate results. Several studies on animals have shown that it might be able to fight cancer, but these results can not be directly applied to human beings. There are not enough clinical trials with people, and the few that do exist have methodological flaws or results that do not match up. So, more research is needed to find out if apricot kernels for cancer treatment are effective or not. 

Risks Associated with Apricot Seeds 

Cyanide, which is toxic in large amounts, is present in apricot seeds. Consuming too many apricot seeds or amygdalin supplements can result in cyanide poisoning, which can cause symptoms like nausea, vomiting, headaches, dizziness, and even coma or death in extreme circumstances. Due to these adverse health effects, the sale of amygdalin products is also prohibited or strictly controlled in a number of countries.

Apricot Seeds and Cancer: Are They Beneficial? 

While apricot kernels for cancer have been promoted as a natural remedy, their efficacy has yet to be proven. The risks of cyanide toxicity outweigh the potential benefits, and reputable medical organizations do not recommend it as a cancer treatment. Instead, cancer patients must rely on evidence-based treatments recommended by medical professionals.

Integrative Approaches and Apricot Seeds 

Some people might think about including apricot seeds in a more comprehensive complementary or alternative cancer treatment. It is crucial to stress that alternative methods should always be discussed with a medical expert. They can assess the safety and efficacy of such approaches and provide guidance on potential interactions and contraindications in the context of a person’s specific condition and ongoing treatment.

The Importance of Evidence-Based Medicine 

Evidence-based medicine is essential in cancer treatment. It is based on rigorous scientific research and clinical trials to determine the safety and efficacy of treatments. While anecdotal reports and personal testimonials exist, they do not replace the rigorous evaluation of treatments through systematic research. Surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, and targeted therapies are all effective ways to treat cancer, and patients should discuss all of their options with their oncologists or other healthcare providers. Extensive research and evidence both back up these treatments.

Apricot Kernels and Cancer 

Apricot kernels have been linked to the belief that the presence of amygdalin may kill cancer cells. However, the risk of cyanide poisoning from eating the seeds is greater than any possible benefits, and there is not enough scientific evidence to support this idea. Conflicting results from small studies, the lack of FDA approval, and the need for evidence-based treatments show how important it is for cancer patients to use proven therapies that doctors recommend.


Apricot seeds contain amygdalin, a compound that has historically been proposed as a potential cancer treatment. However, current research does not support the claims made about apricot seeds for cancer treatment. The risks of cyanide poisoning associated with apricot seed consumption highlight the importance of relying on scientifically validated cancer treatments.

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