How to stay fit during Ramadan

How to stay fit during Ramadan

How to stay fit during ramadan


So, one of the most awaited months of the Islamic year is finally here. Ramadan is the most sacred month in the Islamic calendar in which Muslims restrain their selves from food and drink from dawn to dusk. Nothing can be consumed during these hours. People are also encouraged to abstain their selves from anger, fight and do charity. We cannot eat anything during these hours. But don’t let these restrictions forget you about the basic philosophy of this holy month! Becoming a better Muslim overall and how to stay fit during Ramadan! 

Ramadan has plenty of health benefits to offer for your body, but maintaining your body outlook is still up to you. Physical fitness is essentially the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity. Many people who struggle with their mental and physical health can maintain both things during a fast too. In the holy month of Ramadan, there is no need of choosing between spiritual or physical health. You can stay fit and healthy by just focusing and changing little things in your daily routine. It is these little alterations in your routine that we will talk about in this discussion! Make sure you are ticking most boxes of this checklist by the time Ramadan ends!

Never Skip the Pre-Dawn Meal 

Pre-Dawn meal plays the most important part in the whole game. Because you are going to fast till dusk, obviously your body needs some extra fuel for performing different activities. Ideally, your pre-dawn meal should consist of complex carbohydrates, high fiber, and rich proteins.

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Stay Hydrated 

Try to drink plenty of water to hydrate yourself because your body loses a lot of water via sweat and urine. So after Iftar, your first priority should be rehydrating yourself immediately. How much water should you gulp? Well, it depends on age, gender, climate, and activity level. Water is crucial for our dehydrated bodies since it flushes out the toxins from our bodies. It also lowers the risk of UTIs and helps alleviate the pain that comes with gallbladder stones, if you have any. Try to drink at least 8-12 glasses of water between post-dusk meal and pre-dawn meals.

A Balanced Diet for Your Bladder! 

It is believed that fasting can boost the immune system as well as helps in alleviating conditions like irritable bowel syndrome. Fasting can reduce the amount of “bad” cholesterol in the bloodstream and increase the amount of “good” cholesterol, which can reduce the risk of heart disease. However, healthy eating is of extreme importance in this holy month. While eating, don’t forget the nutritional aspect of your diet otherwise it will lead to conditions like heartburn, stomach, and urinary bladder problems. Adding healthy carbs like whole grains such as oatmeal, whole-grain bread, cereal, and brown rice in your diet will help in keeping your bladder and bowel movements in check. For your bladder’s health also drink plenty of water. If you drink less water it will irritate and render it more prone to infections.

Ditch the Dirt, Eat & Drink Healthy! 

We need to be extra careful when it comes to iftar, please oh please plan your food according to a healthy diet plan and avoid all kinds of greasy, oily, and unhealthy foods. They are bad for you!  They will lower your metabolic rate and make you lazy for any other activity. Go for some high-quality and rich fiber food like fish, vegetables, brown rice, and lots of fruit. A diet consisting of vegetables and fruits also helps in conditions like UTI. Avoid drinking soft drinks and coffee because they can increase the risk of UTI and irritate your bladder. They say and we quote “Fitness is like a relationship. You can’t cheat and expect it to work.”

A little bit of workout won’t hurt either! 

In Ramadan don’t forget to work out for your body fitness. This is the best time to burn your calories and maintain your body figure. Exercise helps maintain a healthy body weight, lowers cholesterol, improves heart health, and builds muscle. Don’t work out during a fast as it will lower your sugar or blood pressure. Do it when you are fully hydrated and the best time to do that is after Iftar. Also, keep yourself hydrated during the workout. Don’t do heavy exercises this month keep your frequencies low!

Food Supplements are Cool Too! 

Food supplements play an important role in the proper functioning of the body. They work as a bridge to fill the nutritional gap. They are manufactured according to your dietary needs. Due to busy lives, everyone can’t eat proper healthy food. So to keep you self-active and fit, use these supplements on daily basis according to your body needs. But before taking these supplements take advice from your doctor, then start using them. These supplements will help you face your metabolic challenges in Ramadan. The most common food supplements are folic acid, Vitamin B12, Vitamin A, and Vitamin C.

Don’t Exhaust Yourself! 

Everyone knows that the Ramadan routine is a bit different from other months’ routines. You need to avoid extra physical activities, for example, don’t go out on sunny days, it will exhaust you if you move around under the sun for so much time. But that doesn’t mean you should be lazing all day. It only implies that you just need to limit your movements to necessary activities instead of exhausting and dehydrating yourself.

Get Your Sleep Cycle in Order! 

If you want to keep yourself mentally fresh and active, take a powerful nap because if you are mentally not active you could not perform your daily normal activities actively during fast. These naps would work like a battery that charges you up for a productive day. Avoid long naps, they can cause laziness and sleep disorders at night.


As long as you keep a healthy and balanced diet and mix it up with light exercise, you can spend your Ramadan healthily and actively without any disturbances. By following all the above-mentioned tips you can stay active plus maintain your fitness during and even after Ramadan.

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