A Hysterectomy will improve the health of this poor lady

A Hysterectomy will improve the health of this poor lady

100% Complete (success)
£ 402.43 Required
£ 402.43 Raised
0 Remaining

Shamshad Bibi's Story

Shamshad Bibi, a 47 years old poor lady, lives in a slum area of Punjab with her family. She has been suffering from uterine fibroids for more than a year. She also feels heavy bleeding during her menstrual cycle which makes her weak and unable to perform daily tasks.

Shamshad has 3 sons and 3 daughters. Two of her daughters are married and two kids go to school. Her elder son is working as an office boy at a small scale law firm and earns only 6,000 rupees a month. Her husband is diabetic and epileptic patient due to which he is unable to work on regular basis. Sometimes if he feels little better, he drives rickshaw and earns meager amount.

Doctor has recommended Shamshad to undergo hysterectomy to remove fibroids. Her husband and son’s income is not enough to pay for the surgery cost. She is in dire need of your help and only with your donations, she will be able to get back to her healthy lifestyle.  

Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.

 National Bank of Pakistan

Donated: £ 298.98

 Zigron Inc

Donated: £ 100


Donated: £ 3.45

Shamshad Bibi's Story

Shamshad Bibi 47 years old lady was getting extremely weak due to painful heavy menstrual bleeding. She was diagnosed with uterine fibroid and was advised to undergo hysterectomy for relief. Her surgery was done in Zainab Memorial Hospital by Dr Asia Nasir. Her uterus was removed. She had good post operative recovery and was discharged in perfect health.

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