Asad Noor Awaits Cochlear Implant Surgery

Asad Noor Awaits Cochlear Implant Surgery

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$ 9,655.91 Required
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$ 9,655.91 Remaining

Asad Noor's Story

A cochlear implant holds the promise of transforming Asad’s world, unlocking the sounds that shape his education and social interactions. Without it, his silence weighs heavily on his family, who long to see him thrive.

Asad Noor, a four-year-old from Hangu, faces congenital sensorineural hearing loss, diagnosed after his parents noticed his unresponsiveness to their voices at the age of one.

His doctor recommends cochlear implant surgery to restore his hearing, utilizing both external and internal components to stimulate the cochlear nerve. Asad is the only child of his parents, and his parents are extremely concerned about his well-being and development. He lives in a small house, and his father is the only earning hand in the family and hardly earns just PKR 25,000 monthly. Despite his earnest efforts, he cannot afford the life-changing surgery Asad needs to fully engage with the world around him.

Support cochlear implant awaiting children

His father’s heartfelt plea resonates with concern for his son’s future: “I fear my inability to afford Asad’s cochlear implant surgery will limit his opportunities in life. Your donation can make a world of difference for my child.” Upon learning about Transparent Hands, Asad’s parents reached out for assistance, seeking hope for their son’s future.

With your support, Asad Noor awaits the gift of hearing, allowing him to embrace life’s wonders and pursue his dreams. Your donation can transform Asad’s world, ensuring he thrives in every aspect of life. Together, let’s give Asad the chance to experience the beauty of sound and unlock the limitless potential that lies within him. Your generosity will create a lasting impact on his life and pave the way for a brighter future.

Your ongoing kindness is Asad’s beacon of hope, illuminating a path where every sound becomes a melody of promise. With the warmth of hearing, he’ll embrace life’s harmonies, finding solace in laughter and connection. Let’s walk alongside him, nurturing his dreams and filling his world with the symphony of compassion.

Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.

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