Donate for Shehnaz’s Transsphenoidal Excision

Donate for Shehnaz’s Transsphenoidal Excision

Zakat Eligible Shehnaz Ashraf
100% Complete (success)
$ 3,651.94 Required
$ 3,651.94 Raised
0 Remaining

Shehnaz Ashraf's Story

Before you dive into the details of Shehnaz Ashraf’s ailment, please know that you can help her. Your donation, however small it may be, will help Shehnaz live a pain-free life. Therefore, we request you to please donate for Shehnaz’s transsphenoidal excision. 

For the last five months, Shehnaz has been suffering from a severe headache. Along with the headache, she has been suffering from a gradual decline of her vision as well. To understand her condition, the doctor advised her to undergo an MRI. As per the results of the MRI, the doctor has diagnosed her with a Pituitary Adenoma. A pituitary adenoma is a growth or tumour on the pituitary gland of the brain. As the adenomas grow big they can put pressure on the nerves that connect the eyes to the brain and cause loss of vision and severe headache. 

To treat this horrible condition, Shehnaz has been advised to undergo a transsphenoidal excision of this adenoma to relieve the pressure effects. 

Excision surgery is the only option to save Shehnaz from the horrible symptoms of this disease. Unfortunately, Shehnaz Ashraf cannot afford the hefty cost of this surgery. In the pandemic layoffs, Shehnaz Ashraf’s husband lost her job. Financially, they rely on the support of their family. In these circumstances, it has become impossible for them to keep the household running, let alone, arrange for Shehnaz’s surgery.

“We are struggling to keep our heads afloat in these terrible times but the problems keep adding up. Now my wife needs essential surgery. But, we are in no position to arrange that. Transparent Hands is the only hope we have.” -Shehnaz’s Husband. 

After a lot of distress, Shehnaz Ashraf has registered herself with Transparent Hands. We are determined to get her happy and healthy as soon as possible. Now, all we need is your help. Please donate for Shehnaz’s transsphenoidal excision as much as you can. 

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Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.

 Fawad J. Khan

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 Mr. Ali

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 Tariq Ali Cheema

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 Launch Good

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 saleem mohammad aslam

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 Sujit jagdev

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 Faraz Hamayoun

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 Mohsin Imam

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 Rabia Shahid

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Donated: $ 50

 Tasneem Ashraf

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 Muhammad Kashif

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Donated: $ 15

 Sam B

Donated: $ 9.62

 Romaisa Feroze

Donated: $ 0.65

Shehnaz Ashraf's Story

Shehnaz Ashraf, aged 35 years, suffered from progressive loss of vision and recurring episodes of intense headaches. She could feel that her health was deteriorating so she consulted a doctor. On complete workup, she was diagnosed to have pituitary adenoma and she was advised surgery to remove it. For this purpose, Shehnaz was admitted to Lahore Care Hospital and her operation was performed by Dr. Hassan Raza on 20-04-2021. Her endoscopic excision of adenoma was done through the trans-nasal route. She stayed in the hospital for sixteen days and was discharged in a stable condition. Shehnaz is taking bed rest as advised by the doctor and her condition is improving steadily.

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