Donate for Talha’s Rectal Polypectomy
Talha Zafar 's Story
Four years old Talha Zafar is in a lot of pain right now. Surgery is the only option for his speedy recovery. Please donate for Talha’s rectal polypectomy and help us fulfil this promise.
Talha Zafar hails from a small town near Hafiz Abad. The first three years of his life were full of love, comfort and warmth. However, for the last two months, Talha has been facing an unusual condition. It started when his mother noticed a streak of blood in his faeces. Moreover, he suffered from severe abdominal pain and constipation. It went on for three weeks. Then, Talha’s parents took him to a hospital. Accordingly, he was examined and diagnosed with rectal polyps. Rectal polyps are small growth of excess tissue that often grows on the lining of the large intestine. To treat this ailment, the doctor has advised him to undergo a Rectal Polypectomy. It is a procedure used to remove polyps from the inside of the intestine.
“The news of his disease came as a shock we never recovered from. My husband barely earns his living. Please help us arrange for my son’s surgery. We do not have any means to arrange it for ourselves.” -Talha Zafar’s mother.
Currently, Talha’s father works as a manual labourer in a construction firm. He hardly earns PKR 15000 per month. This measly income is barely enough to keep his household running. He is in no position to arrange for his son’s surgery. Talha’s father has circled back and forth to various local hospitals to seek free surgery. But unfortunately, he could not secure a date anywhere. Now, the surgery has become crucial for him. Therefore, we urge you to please donate for Talha’s Rectal Polypectomy.
At last, his parents have registered his case with Transparent Hands. We are determined to put Talha out of his misery. However, we need your earnest help for that. Please donate for Talha’s rectal polypectomy as much as you can. Click the green button below and DONATE NOW!
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
Talha Zafar 's Story
Talha Zafar, 4 years old, suffered from a bleeding rectum. He also had a lump coming out of his back passage. When his parents took him to the hospital for checkup, he was diagnosed with rectal polyps. The doctors advised surgical removal as a treatment option. For this purpose, Talha was admitted in Lahore Care Hospital and his examination under anesthesia (EUA) along with rectal polypectomy was performed by Dr. Sajid Nayyar on 11.02.2021. He stayed in the hospital for one day and was discharged in a satisfactory condition. Talha’s bleeding has stopped since his surgery and he has had a swift recovery.