Donate Ghulam Fatima for her Multinodular Goiter
Ghulam Fatima's Story
Ghulam Fatima is a 56-year-old woman that works as tailor for earning for her 5 daughters, 2 sons, and elderly husband. Both of the sons are married, and three of her daughters are married, while one is a first year student and the other has a backbone issue, making her unable to work; Her husband is also too old to work. Currently, they are living in a Marla house given to them by the government, however Ghulam is living in her cousin’s house in Kasur because of her tailoring profession.
Ghulam has been suffering from pain in her throat due to nodular goiters for the last 12 years, as well as having difficulty in breathing for last 1 year. Luckily, she found Transparent Hands and was able to meet with one of our doctors, Dr. Ahmed Fawad, and he was able to properly diagnose the goiters. Our doctor also suggested a surgery for this particular diagnosis, a thyroidectomy, to completely rid her of these painful goiters.
She is very poor, earning 20,000 PKR a month, being able to hardly manages her husband and daughter medicines and running household expenses. This is not nearly enough to be able to pay for the thyroidectomy she desperately needs in order to relieve her pain, and while she is out of work, it makes it more financially unstable for her family as a whole.
Please help and donate now to Ghulam Fatima so she can financially provide for her family, they’re depending on you. You are even able to donate online to help Ghulam Fatima to undergo this surgical treatment, so please do not hesitate to make an online donation of any amount.
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
Packages Foundation
Donated: $ 917.51
TH EmergencyFund
Donated: $ 28.48
Ruhma Shahzad
Donated: $ 25
Ghulam Fatima's Story
Ghulam Fatima 56 years old lady had long standing goiter. She started experiencing difficulty in breathing due to neck swelling and was advised to Thyroidectomy for Multinodular Goiter. She was operated on 23-08-17 at Akram Medical Complex by Dr. Ahmed Fawad. Her Subtotal Thyroidectomy was done. She remained alright during her postoperative period and was discharged symptom-free after three days of hospital stay.