Donate to Aima Noor for Her Ileostomy Reversal

Donate to Aima Noor for Her Ileostomy Reversal

Zakat Eligible Donate to Aima Noor for Her Ileostomy Reversal
100% Complete (success)
£ 630.03 Required
£ 630.03 Raised
0 Remaining

Aima Noor's Story

“When Aima’s condition emerged, she was in terrible discomfort because of it but nobody would perform her surgery. They would keep putting us off or referring us to other hospitals. After a lot of struggle, her surgery was finally performed. The doctor advised us to get her reversal surgery done after 2 months. It has been almost half a year since then and we are still struggling to get an appointment.” – Aima’s Mother

1.4-year-old Aima Noor has developed ileocolic intussusception– a condition in which one part of the gut folds onto another. As a result, she experienced abdominal pain, bloating and frequent vomiting. Her first surgery, an ileostomy, was performed at a local hospital to remove the affected part of the intestine when she was 7 months old. In this surgery, a stoma was attached to her abdomen for stool collection. The doctors told her parents to revisit in 2 months for an ileostomy reversal.

Aima’s father, Zafar Iqbal, contacted the hospital for her ileostomy reversal several times, but the hospital kept them waiting and still hasn’t given them a date for the surgery. Zafar is a daily wager who earns 15,000 PKR a month and has 8 family members to support. He cannot afford to pay for Aima’s operation at a private hospital and hopes that through Transparent Hands, people will come to her aid.

Aima has been waiting for a long time for this simple surgery.

Your contributions can help us conduct the surgery as soon as possible.

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Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.

 Tooba Shahid Sherwani

Donated: £ 470

 Muneezeh Hammad

Donated: £ 47.78


Donated: £ 38.49

 Ikramah Nazir

Donated: £ 30.79

 Madihullah Riaz

Donated: £ 26.37

 Syed Hussain Gardezi

Donated: £ 11.50

 Sam B

Donated: £ 5.11

Aima Noor's Story

Aima Noor, 1.5 years of age, had her ileostomy done for intestinal obstruction due to ileocolic intussusception. Now she was advised an ileostomy reversal. Her surgery was done on 24-09-2020 by Dr. Sajid Iqbal at Lahore Care Hospital. She remained admitted in the hospital for five days and was later discharged in a stable condition. Present-day, Aima Noor is able to play with girls and boys her age.

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