Donate to Asiya Bibi for her Laparotomy & Cystectomy

Donate to Asiya Bibi for her Laparotomy & Cystectomy

Zakat Eligible Asiya Bibi wife of Ajmal Kamal
100% Complete (success)
$ 487.72 Required
$ 487.72 Raised
0 Remaining

Asiya Bibi's Story

“Sometimes I wonder why we were born poor? Why we are deprived of healthcare facilities? It breaks my heart when I see other people getting quality treatment from city’s best doctors and then I look at me who cannot even buy medicines. Every other day, my children ask me to cook their favorite food but all I can do is make excuses as they are too little to understand the pain their mother is going through. I don’t even know whether I’ll be able to make it or not.” – Patient Asiya Bibi 

Asiya Bibi is 39 years old mother of 3 children. She has been suffering from severe vaginal bleeding for a long time. Her bleeding is caused by fibroid uterus and cysts in her ovary. Because of her condition, she is unable to work around the house or take care of her children. Her menstrual cycle lasts longer than normal and makes her bedridden most of the days.

She is a homemaker, and her husband is a laborer in a local grain market. He earns 400 PKR per day and approximately 10,000 PKR per month. This family struggles to even have a meal twice a day.

For the past three years, Asiya Bibi had been suffering from severe abdominal pain and immense bleeding. She visited some hospitals but they prescribed her painkillers only. Six months ago, Asiya started suffering from anemia (iron and blood deficiency) and weakness. Soon, she was bedridden and unable to perform her daily activities. After a number of visits to local hospitals, her condition was diagnosed. The doctors have advised Asiya Bibi a laparotomy and cystectomy to relieve her from this painful condition. Asiya Bibi cannot afford this surgery and has come to Transparent Hands for help.

Donate and put an end to her constant suffering!

Asiya Bibi is unable to take care of the needs of her children and husband. She needs a laparotomy to be able to move and work again. Donate for her surgery now!

Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.

 Laiba butt

Donated: $ 387.72

 Sarah Qureshi

Donated: $ 100

Asiya Bibi's Story

Asiya Bibi 39 years old lady was suffering from lower abdominal pain and heavy menstrual bleeding for many years. She was diagnosed to have uterine fibroids and was advised hysterectomy for relief. Her surgery was done in Abid Hospital, Mian Channu on 14-09-19 by Dr. Niaz Ahmed. Her uterus was removed and she stayed for 3 days in hospital after surgery. She had good post-operative recovery and was discharged in perfect condition.

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