Donate to Attiq-ur-Rehman for His Bilateral Orchidopexy
Attiq Rehman's Story
“I wish my child to have a normal life. Doctors told us that we should get his surgery done as soon as possible. It has already been delayed way longer than it should have been. The ideal time to get it done is before one year of age, the doctors told us. Attiq-ur-Rehman is almost seven now. We cannot delay it anymore. We really hope somebody helps us out soon.”– Attiq-ur-Rehman’s father, Zahid Mehmood.
Attiq-ur-Rehman, 7 years old, is suffering from a right undescended testicle. In this condition, the testicle does not move into its proper position after birth. He also has a left retractile testicle, which, if left untreated, is at a greater risk twisting and becoming painful. In order to correct his condition, he requires surgery- a bilateral ochidopexy.
Attiq-ur-Rehman’s father, Zahid Mehmood, is a laborer and earns around 400-500 PKR a day. He supports his wife and two children on this paltry sum. The only resource that he owns is the small dwelling in Gujar Khan that he lives in with his family. Due to financial hardships, his son’s operation had to be delayed year after year. The local hospitals in their area weren’t properly equipped to treat his condition and private hospitals in the big cities were beyond their means. When word about Transparent Hands got to them, they contacted for help.
You can help ensure that Attiq-ur-Rehman’s condition is restored to normal.
Please donate for his surgery!
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
Donated: $ 412.99
Donated: $ 12.53
Attiq Rehman's Story
Attiq Ur Rehman, 7 years old, was suffering from rt undescended and left retractile testis since birth. He was advised surgery to correct their position and fix them. He was advised bilateral orchidopexy. His surgery was done at Medicare Hospital, Rawalpindi, by Dr. Naeem Liaqat, on 25-02-20, in which his testicles were fixed into his scrotum. He stayed for one day post-operatively and was discharged in a satisfactory condition.