Donate to Ayesha Hameed for Her Cardiac Surgery
Ayesha Hameed's Story
3-year-old Ayesha Hameed is suffering from a complex congenital heart condition known as dextrocardia. A normal human heart points towards the left side of the chest. A person with this rare defect has a heart that points towards the right. This reverse orientation interferes with the heart function and causes symptoms like fatigue, breathlessness, bluish pale skin, and poor growth in children. Ayesha also has a partial atrioventricular canal (PAVC) defect which further hinders proper circulation, causing breathing problems at the slightest exertion.
Ayesha was diagnosed with this disease only 6 months after her birth. Her family took her to the hospital because she had a consistent fever and kept vomiting. It was then that her ECHO test was carried out and her heart defect was discovered. The doctor communicated to Ayesha’s parents that her rare condition can improve only through open-heart surgery, or in medical terms, an atrial switch surgery. Due to a lack of reference, however, the local hospital which diagnosed her refused to provide her with free treatment and demanded a high cost for the procedure that her parents could not afford. Ayesha’s father is a teacher who earns 20,000 PKR/month out of which 6000 PKR alone is spent on rent. He meets his family’s expenses with the rest.
“We are so worried for Ayesha. Her heart is not right the doctor tells us and we can tell too, just by looking at her. She is always ill. An uncle in my family recently passed away because of a heart attack and ever since then, we have just been even more stressed knowing that our daughter has a heart condition and something could happen to her, God forbid.” – Ayesha’s father
Ayesha needs your help with the surgery that can correct her heart defect. To help us arrange for it as soon as possible, please donate to her today.
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
Donated: $ 1,538.88
Donated: $ 1,239.19
Ayman Habiba
Donated: $ 375
Ali Teymur Agha
Donated: $ 58.06
Donated: $ 48.39
Raheel Awan
Donated: $ 41.29
Elizabeth C. Bernardini
Donated: $ 39.09
Awais Afzal
Donated: $ 37.50
Feroz Khan
Donated: $ 34.19
Dawood Aslam
Donated: $ 28.89
Zainab Saleem
Donated: $ 26.75
Saima Noyal
Donated: $ 24.19
Muhammad Tahir Jamal
Donated: $ 24.19
Omar Abdel-Bary Soliman
Donated: $ 19.83
Donated: $ 19.35
Be kind
Donated: $ 16.13
Muhammad Behram Shah
Donated: $ 6.25
Nadir Tayyab
Donated: $ 6.23
Madihullah Riaz
Donated: $ 5
Ayesha Hameed's Story
Ayesha Hameed, 3.4 years old, was diagnosed with Dextrocardia and partial atrioventricular canal (PAVC) defect in her heart. She was admitted in the hospital and her open heart surgery was performed on 25-09-2020 by Dr. Mohammad Asim Khan at Ittefaq Hospital, Lahore. Her Atrial switch procedure was done. Her hospital stay was six days and then she was discharged in a stable condition. With your support, Ayesha Hameed is on the road to recovery.