Donate to Ghulam Yasin for His Urological Procedures
Ghulam Yasin's Story
Ghulam Yasin, 25 years old, experienced severe recurrent pain in his right inguinal region. It got so unbearable that he had to visit a local hospital. The doctors performed multiple tests and he was diagnosed with distal ureteric stones in his right ureter. The pain relief medicines did not improve his condition so he was ultimately advised Ureteroscopy (URS) and Litholapaxy. Ureteroscopy (URS) is a treatment procedure in which a small-calibre endoscope is used to remove ureteral stones. Litholapaxy refers to disintegration of stones using a laser passed through urethra or a fragmentation device. Once the stone is crushed, the small fragments produced are removed using suction. The urologist also advised placement of a DJ stent which would be removed later on.
Unfortunately, the cost of these urological procedures lies way beyond anything Yasin can afford. He works as a security guard and earns PKR 15,000 per month. All four members of his family are dependent on him.
“The excruciating pain is unbearable. I have not been able to go for work for a week now. If my health does not improve, my employer would fire me. How will I provide for my family then? This is an added stress on top of the debilitating pain that does not seem to ever leave my side.” – Ghulam Yasin
On his cousin’s suggestion, Ghulam visited our office. We have promised to help him. This guy urgently needs your support. So, please do not hesitate to press that green “Donate Now” button and help Ghulam Yasin get his urological procedures done.
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
Maryem Tanveer
Donated: $ 433.27
Donated: $ 137.01
Ghulam Yasin's Story
Ghulam Yasin, aged 25 years, suffered from intense pain in his right inguinal region. On medical consultation, he was diagnosed with distal ureteric stones in the right ureter. The urologist advised surgical intervention. For this purpose, he was admitted to Akram Medical Complex and his ureteroscopy and intracorporeal lithotripsy (ICL) were performed by Dr. Shah Jahan on 23.04.2021. Stones were cleared and a stent was placed in his right ureter. Ghulam stayed in the hospital for one day and was discharged in a satisfactory condition. The intense shooting pain has ended and he feels much better now.