Donate to Tahira Kousar for Her Cholecystectomy
Tahira Kousar's Story
Tahira Kousar, 65 years of age, has been experiencing abdominal pain along with distention, stretch, and discomfort for the past three years. She was diagnosed with cholelithiasis or stones in the gallbladder. Her doctor has advised gallbladder removal surgery (cholecystectomy) for permanent relief. Not having the means to have the surgery, she tried to deal with her symptoms with painkillers, which worked temporarily. In the past few months, however, her pain has become acute and unbearable. While looking around for help with her operation, Tahira was told about Transparent Hands and she decided to reach out to us.
Tahira’s husband passed away 6 years ago and her only daughter is married and living separately. She has been living alone, sustaining herself by renting out her upper portion. Unfortunately, she has not had tenants in the past 4 months and is not earning anything currently. Her difficult situation qualifies her for a free operation through TH.
“I am really grateful that TH has offered me help so willingly and that they recognize that I am in a helpless situation. I hope that the donors are also willing to help me out and I can be well again soon.” – Tahira
Tahira’s operation has been scheduled to take place soon. All she needs now are contributions from you. If you wish to help her out, please donate to her today.
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
Tahira Kousar's Story
65-year-old Tahira Kousar was diagnosed with cholelithiasis and advised an open cholecystectomy by her surgeon. After being admitted to the hospital, the surgery was performed by Dr. Faryal Azhar at Maryam Memorial hospital on 26.08.2020. Her gallbladder containing stones was removed. She stayed in the hospital for one day and was discharged in a stable condition. Tahira Kousar is recovering quickly and her health is much better now.