Fatima awaits Excision Surgery
Fatima Bibi's Story
Fatima awaits Excision Surgery. Before you dive into Fatima Bibi’s tale of woes, please know that your help can save her. Your donation, however small it may be, will go towards arranging Fatima’s life-saving treatment. Therefore, we request you to please donate for Fatima’s excision surgery.
For the last one year, thirty four years old Fatima Bibi has been feeling pain and stiffness in her neck which radiated to her upper arms as well. It was diagnosed to be an Intradural Extra Medullary Cervical Spinal Mass (SOL). An intradural extramedullary tumor is a spinal cord tumor that causes spinal cord compression — nerves in and around the spinal cord are compressed as the tumor grows in size.
To treat this condition, Fatima Bibi has to undergo excisional surgery under general anesthesia. In this surgery, the surgeon will surgically remove Fatima’s cervical SOL and she will be able to continue with her normal life as before.
The only thing standing between Fatima and the treatment she needs is her financial condition. Fatima’s family is unable to afford her treatment. Fatima’s father passed away a long time ago. Therefore, she financially relies on her brother. Her brother is a manual laborer who works on daily wages. He hardly manages to make 15000 per month. With this income, he is hardly able to manage his utilities and bills. Therefore, he is in no position to arrange for his sister’s surgery. He told us:
“When our father was on his deathbed, I promised him that I would take care of Fatima in every way I can. Lately, I feel like I have been failing her and my father. I do not have the means for Fatima’s surgery. I don’t know what will happen now.”
At last, after exhausting her resources at private doctors and hospitals. Fatima Bibi has registered her case with Transparent Hands. The only thing standing between Fatima and treatment she needs is financial constraint. As Fatima awaits Excision Surgery, therefore, we request you to please donate for her surgery and help us save an innocent life.
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
Sujit Jagdev
Donated: $ 799.41
TH EmergencyFund
Donated: $ 250.91
Fatima Bibi's Story
Fatima Bibi, a 34-year-old resident of Mansehra, was suffering from stiffness and pain in her neck. She went to the doctor and after evaluation, she was diagnosed with Space occupying Lesion (SOL) - Intradural Extra Medullary Cervical Spinal Mass. The doctor advised her to undergo an Excision of this Cervical Mass. For this purpose, she was admitted to Lahore Care Hospital, where her surgery was performed by Dr. Abrar, on 3.01.2022. She was discharged from the hospital in satisfactory condition after six days of stay.