Help fund Sajida’s kidney surgery

Help fund Sajida’s kidney surgery

100% Complete (success)
$ 525.24 Required
$ 525.24 Raised
0 Remaining

Sajida Bibi's Story

Sajida requires an open surgery to remove overgrown stones from her right kidney. She had already pursued lithotripsy treatment once to crush the stones in her left kidney almost a year ago. After that treatment, Sajida hoped that she would not have to suffer from such pain again, however it was not long before stones once again started growing in her other kidney. Sajida has relied too much on medication, but it did not help her much. The stones in her right kidney have now grown to such an extent that another lithotripsy treatment would not be very helpful. Doctors have suggested an open surgery to remove the stone manually.

Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.

 Qasim Mueen

Donated: $ 525.24

Sajida Bibi's Story

Sajida has been in pain for quite a long period because of the presence of large stones in her right kidney which could not be removed by any stone removal treatment. She came to Zainab Memorial Hospital, all the way from Faisalabad to have a checkup. She was introduced to the CEO of Transparent Hands, who arranged for her checkup. Dr. Ejaz Kharal, Sajida’s doctor recommended a pyelolithotomy surgery. Sajida was admitted on 18th August 2014, and discharged after two days. “I miss my children. They will be happy to see their mother walk around feeling no more pain. I may never be able to repay you, but I will pray that you accomplish your goals”  

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