Help Gul Waren With the Miraculous Ability to Hear

Help Gul Waren With the Miraculous Ability to Hear

Zakat Eligible Gul Waren pre image
17.516604438299% Complete (success)
$ 9,656.58 Required
$ 1,692.06 Raised
$ 7,964.52 Remaining

Gul Waren's Story

Gul Waren, a lively and spirited five-year-old girl from Swat, finds herself facing the challenge of hearing loss. Upon consultation with a doctor, it was recommended that Gul Waren undergo cochlear implant surgery as a potential solution to help her hear the world around her.

She resides in her own house in Swat, along with her parents and five siblings. Her father works diligently in a shop, earning a monthly income of PKR 35,000, and he is the sole provider for the family. Her father is determined to provide for his family but he is struggling with a lot of financial burden on his shoulders.

With the responsibility of feeding a large family and managing utility bills amounting to PKR 4,000, along with daily expenses and school fees, Gul Waren’s father finds it incredibly difficult to make ends meet. There are no other sources of income available to support the family’s financial needs. Therefore, the surgical expenses required for Gul Waren’s cochlear implant surgery are beyond their current means.

The news of her hearing impairment has deeply affected her family. They long for her to experience the world of sound and are filled with hope and desperation. Gul Waren’s father humbly appeals to the kindness and generosity of others, expressing:

“As a father, my heart aches for Gul Waren. Her inability to hear tugs at my soul and I beseech your help in granting her the gift of hearing.”

In their quest for aid, Gul Waren’s family has turned to Transparent Hands, seeking a ray of hope for their daughter’s hearing. Together, with unwavering determination, we strive to gather the necessary funds to fulfill Gul Waren’s dreams. We earnestly implore compassionate hearts to come forward and donate, for every contribution holds the power to transform Gul Waren’s world.  Let us join hands and provide her with the opportunity to embrace the beauty of sound, to laugh, to communicate effortlessly, and to thrive.

Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.

 Qasim Mueen

Donated: $ 500

 Tahira Khan

Donated: $ 352

 Mazhar Mohiuddin

Donated: $ 244.07

 Hamza Sakr

Donated: $ 146.32

 Qasim Jilani

Donated: $ 145.01

 Faizan Khalid

Donated: $ 55

 Hajrah Malik

Donated: $ 50

 Faraz Hamayoun

Donated: $ 50

 HEYAM ali

Donated: $ 50

 Affaf Aslam

Donated: $ 30


Donated: $ 25


Donated: $ 19.24

 Muhammad Umar

Donated: $ 10

 Mustafa Kamal Zuberi

Donated: $ 9.06

 Manal Maan

Donated: $ 5

 Haseeb Mansoor

Donated: $ 1

 Syed Abdullah

Donated: $ 0.36

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