Help Naseem Bibi’s Heart Beat Strong

Help Naseem Bibi’s Heart Beat Strong

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100% Complete (success)
$ 3,819.08 Required
$ 3,819.08 Raised
0 Remaining

Naseem Bibi's Story

Naseem Bibi, aged 15, belongs to Pakpattan and is fighting a silent battle against her own heart. Palpitations, dyspnea on mild physical exertion, tiredness, and a persistent dry cough have become unwelcomed companions in her daily life. Concerned for their daughter’s well-being, Naseem’s family sought medical help, and the diagnosis was heartbreaking: she had mitral stenosis.

The doctor advised that Naseem Bibi urgently requires mitral valve replacement surgery. This procedure holds the key to restoring her heart’s functionality and allowing her to live a life free from the limitations imposed by her condition. The hope of a brighter, healthier tomorrow lies within the realm of this critical surgery.

However, the financial strain casts a shadow of uncertainty over Naseem’s path to recovery. Her family resides in a humble home, and their limited income is not enough to cover the expenses of the life-saving surgery.

In this time of desperation, her father reaches out to compassionate souls with a plea:

“In the face of this urgent situation, I humbly request your support and assistance. Your generosity has the power to provide my beloved daughter with the life-saving surgery she so desperately needs.”

Every contribution, regardless of its size, will be a beacon of hope for Naseem Bibi and her family. Together, we can make a difference in her life, offering her the chance to experience the joys of childhood, to breathe freely, and to dream without limitations. Your donation towards Naseem’s mitral valve replacement surgery will be a testament to the power of compassion and the impact it can have on a young life.

Join us in this extraordinary journey of healing and transformation. Your support will be the bridge that allows Naseem Bibi to cross over from a life of uncertainty to one filled with hope, vitality, and endless possibilities. Together, let us ensure that her heart beats strong, and her spirit soars high. Donate today and be a part of this remarkable tale of resilience and second chances.

Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.


Donated: $ 2,000


Donated: $ 1,065.08

 Muhammad Umar

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 Fakhar Islam and Nusrat Fakhar

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