Help Zulhija Walk Again

Help Zulhija Walk Again

Zakat Eligible Zulhija pre image
19.004865399676% Complete (success)
$ 3,193.22 Required
$ 605.83 Raised
$ 2,587.39 Remaining

Zulhija Bibi's Story

Zulhija, a 49-year-old housewife from Mardan, is enduring relentless pain in her right knee, diagnosed as osteoarthritis. This debilitating condition has stripped her of the ability to walk unaided, severely affecting her daily life. After extensive medical consultations, doctors have recommended a right total knee replacement surgery to replace her worn joint with an artificial one. This surgery is critical for alleviating her pain and restoring her mobility, ultimately enabling her to regain independence and improve her quality of life.

Zulhija lives in a 3-marla house, which consists of only two rooms, with her husband and two other family members in Mardan. Tragically, her husband battles blood cancer and cannot work, leaving Zulhija helpless and distressed due to financial constraints. Financially, they are in a precarious position, heavily relying on her brother-in-law and other relatives for support to manage basic living expenses, daily groceries, and paying utility bills amounting to PKR 1000. With no income of their own, the cost of her necessary knee surgery is far beyond their reach.

Zulhija shares her distress:

“The pain is unending, and it’s crippling my life. I desperately need this surgery to regain my ability to function and support my family. Your help could truly change my life.”

At this challenging juncture, Zulhija has sought the assistance of Transparent Hands, hoping that the kindness of strangers can provide the help she needs. Donations from people like you are crucial for financing her surgery, including all related medical expenses and her recovery process.

Every donation helps bring Zulhija closer to a life without pain and the autonomy to look after her family. Your generosity will not only relieve her of physical pain but also ease the financial strain on her family.Join us in our effort to give Zulhija a new lease on life. Your support can profoundly affect her existence, offering her a future where she can move freely and fulfil her household duties. Let’s come together to gift Zulhija a future filled with hope and free from pain.

Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.

 Rizwan Khan

Donated: $ 517.52

 Faiza Asjad

Donated: $ 37.69

 Mahmoud Mokbel

Donated: $ 28.99

 Aasimsehrish mohammed

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