Save Zahra Fatima’s Life

Save Zahra Fatima’s Life

Zakat Eligible Zahra Fatima
100% Complete (success)
$ 2,724.43 Required
$ 2,724.43 Raised
0 Remaining

Zahra Fatima's Story

Zahra Fatima is a sweet little child with a potentially fatal heart condition. She suffers every day as a result of a congenital cardiac defect that requires immediate medical attention. You can save Zahra Fatima’s life by donating for her open-heart surgery. 

Two-year-old Zahra Fatima, a resident of Toba Tek Singh, has been suffering from a heart disease since birth. She has also been enduring shortness of breath on mild exertion and weakness. Her parents took her for a consultation. Upon consultation, and after going through a number of diagnostic tests, Zahra Fatima was diagnosed with Tetralogy of Fallot. Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) is a cardiac ailment that affects newborns and children and is caused by a combination of four congenital (existing at birth) heart abnormalities. The abnormalities happen at the same time and affect how blood flows through the heart and lungs. After the diagnosis, the cardiologist advised Zahra Fatima to undergo an Open Heart Surgery for Total Correction. Her mother shared her distress with us in the following words:

Her father is a laborer with a meager monthly income of PKR 15,000. He cannot afford to pay for Zahra’s open-heart surgery due to financial constraints. 

“Our daughter’s life and future hang in the balance due to this deadly congenital cardiac defect. I started crying when the doctor told us about her condition. Please assist us if you are reading this.”

Zahra’s parents were desperate, but they finally found out about Transparent Hands. They contacted us and we registered her case. We are determined to provide her with the treatment she needs. Now, all we need is your support and generous donations to save Zahra Fatima’s life. Support her life-saving open-heart surgery as soon as possible. Your donations will keep her little heart beating and put her mother’s fears to rest. She deserves to live a healthy and normal life like all the other girls. 

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Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.

 aisha malik

Donated: $ 1,511.97


Donated: $ 1,162.57

 Shafaq Hafeez

Donated: $ 49.89

Zahra Fatima's Story

Three-year-old Zahra Fatima, a resident of Toba Tek Singh, was suffering from breathlessness and weakness since birth. Her parents took her to the hospital. After running a few tests in the hospital, the doctors diagnosed her with Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF). The cardiac surgeon advised open-heart surgery for total correction. For this purpose, Zahra Fatima was admitted to the University of Lahore Teaching Hospital and her open-heart surgery was performed by Dr. Faiz Rasool on 31.05.2022. Zahra Fatima stayed in the hospital for five days. She was discharged in stable condition. You saved her little heart.

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