Support Shahbaz Ali’s Cancer Battle

Support Shahbaz Ali’s Cancer Battle

Zakat Eligible Shahbaz pre image
100% Complete (success)
$ 1,915.04 Required
$ 1,915.04 Raised
0 Remaining

Shahbaz Ali's Story

Shahbaz Ali, a 49-year-old resident of Lahore, has been dealing with a lump in the right parotid region for the past 1.5 years. Recently, the swelling has rapidly increased, causing great concern. Seeking answers, Shahbaz underwent a fine needle aspiration cytology, which revealed clusters of atypical cells with large nuclei and prominent nucleoli. The diagnosis pointed towards the possibility of Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma or Salivary Duct Carcinoma, leaving Shahbaz in urgent need of treatment.

Living in a small two-room house with his wife and four children, Shahbaz’s financial situation presents an additional barrier. As a security guard, he earns a modest income of PKR 14,000 per month. With no other source of income, he shoulders the responsibility of providing for his family’s needs. Utility bills amount to PKR 700, while educational expenses for his children reach PKR 4,000. Daily expenses further strain their limited budget, leaving Shahbaz unable to afford the surgical expenses required for his treatment. Shahbaz’s situation is dire, and he faces a formidable challenge.

Shahbaz said it with teary eyes:

“I yearn for the chance to fight this illness and be there for my children as they grow. Please, help me overcome this obstacle and give me a fighting chance.”

Transparent Hands recognizes the urgency of Shahbaz’s situation and is dedicated to supporting him on his journey to recovery. We appeal to compassionate individuals like you to come forward and contribute to Shahbaz Ali’s tumor excision with neck dissection, enabling him to receive the crucial treatment he urgently needs.

Shahbaz’s battle against cancer is not one he should face alone. Your generous donations, regardless of their size, can make a profound impact on his life. Together, we can empower Shahbaz and his family, providing them with the hope and resources they need to overcome this challenging time. Join us in our mission to restore Shahbaz’s health and well-being.

Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.

 M Hanif Dugan

Donated: $ 1,915.04

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