Amir Ali’s ailment was cured
Amir Ali's Story
Amir Ali, aged 5 years, a resident of Lahore had a swelling in the inguinal region 3 months back. His father took him to the hospital and the doctors prescribed him some tests and ultrasound. After getting the results, she was diagnosed with LIH and left hydrocele. As a treatment, the doctors advised him to undergo a surgery called Herniotomy. For this purpose, he was admitted to Akram Medical Complex where his Herniotomy was done by Dr. Bilal Mirza on 07-09-21. He was under medical observation for 3 days after which he discharged in a stable condition.
Donated: $ 337.79
Donated: $ 101.24
Sabena mir
Donated: $ 39.78
Danish Razzak
Donated: $ 20
Athar Khan
Donated: $ 13.95
Zain Tahir
Donated: $ 11.97
Hira ali
Donated: $ 10
Jacho Berracha
Donated: $ 6
TH EmergencyFund
Donated: $ 1.52
Romaisa Malik
Donated: $ 0.60