Your donations have given Ramzan permanent relief from his symptoms

Your donations have given Ramzan permanent relief from his symptoms


Muhammad Ramzan's Story

Muhammad Ramzan 10 years of age was suffering from congenital hypospadias resulting in the deformity of his genitalia. He was advised for serial surgeries to correct the defect. His first surgery was done in Akram Medical Complex on 21-11-17 by Dr. Naveed Haider. He performed BRACA – I procedure. Muhammad Ramzan remained admitted for 3 days and had a good post-operative recovery. He was discharged with follow up for subsequent surgeries.

 Packages Foundation

Donated: $ 528.92


Donated: $ 79.36

 TH EmergencyFund

Donated: $ 18.97

Total Funds

$ 627.24

Funds Raised

$ 627.24
100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
$ 627.24 Raised

Successfully Operated

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