Hamza has gotten relief from all his painful symptoms of bilateral orchidopexy

Hamza has gotten relief from all his painful symptoms of bilateral orchidopexy

bilateral orchidopexy

Hamza Razzaq's Story

Hamza Razzaq 10 years old boy was suffering from undescended testis on both sides since birth. He was advised surgery to correct their position and fix them. His bilateral orchidopexy was done on 25-06-18 in Akram Medical Complex by Dr. Naveed Haider. His both testes were brought into his scrotum and fixed. He stayed for 2 days post-operatively and was discharged in satisfactory condition.

 Azhar Mahmood

Donated: $ 479.30

Total Funds

$ 479.30

Funds Raised

$ 479.30
100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
$ 479.30 Raised

Successfully Operated

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