Sumbal Bibi is slowly getting back on her feet. Thank you for donating
Sumbal Bibi's Story
Sumbal Bibi, 24 years old, was suffering from osteoarthritis (OA) of her left hip due to Perthes disease. She was unable to bear weight on it. She was advised total hip replacement (THR). Her surgery was done in Northwest General Hospital, on 11-05-20, by Dr. Khushnood Ali. Her left total hip arthroplasty (THA) was done. She had an uneventful post-op recovery and remained alright. She was discharged with follow up physiotherapy sessions.
Launch Good
Donated: $ 1,646
Shmila Javed
Donated: $ 823.98
Aleem Ilyas
Donated: $ 580.65
Musfirah Sajid
Donated: $ 50
Donated: $ 50
Tariq Ali Cheema
Donated: $ 50
Sam B
Donated: $ 31.42
Donated: $ 0.65