Thanks for your generous support for Muhammad Farhan
Muhammad Farhan's Story
Muhammad Farhan 3 years old child was suffering from cyanosis since birth and was diagnosed to have congenital cardiac defect involving Pulmonary Atresia and Large Ventricular Septal defect. He was advised surgery to relieve his misery. His open Heart surgery was performed and Left Modified BT shunt was done in Ittefaq Hospital by Dr Salman Ahmed on 29-08-17. He remained admitted for 5 days and recovered performed with significant decrease in his cyanosis.
Donated: $ 1,000
Kansai Paint Pvt Ltd
Donated: $ 948.95
Donated: $ 704.23
Mossadiq Ghanghro
Donated: $ 341
TH EmergencyFund
Donated: $ 62.47
Heather Hollis
Donated: $ 6.59