Zahida is back to her normal life after successful laparotomy
Zahida Bibi's Story
Zahida Bibi 45 years old lady was diagnosed with Rt. Ovarian Cyst. She was advised laparotomy and removal of her ovarian cyst. Her surgery was done in Akram Medical Complex by Dr Asia Nasir on 29-11-17. She had a huge chocolate cyst which was adherent to the small intestine. Her cyst was excised and she had an iatrogenic rent in her small intestine which was repaired at the same time. Her postoperative course was complicated with intestinal leakage evident from drain contents. Her Exploratory Laparotomy was done on 01-12-17 and she was found to have leakage at the repaired site. Her part of the small intestine was resected and end to end anastomosis was done perfectly. She recovered well after her second surgery and stayed for a total of 8 days in the hospital. She was discharged in good health.