Top 10 Charities to Donate to in the UK

Top 10 Charities to Donate to in the UK

top 10 Charities to Donate to in the UK


People who catch the giving bug, often search for reputed charities to donate to. The trend is no different when it comes to the UK. Diversity reflects from every aspect of the UK, charity is no different. There are thousands of causes that trusts and charities in UK raise voices for. Fundraising and donation collection is a science well learned by these top 10 charities in the UK. You might get puzzled when you first search about the top 10 charities to donate to in the UK. So while giving, make sure you give it to the right cause which appeals to you!

And that’s where we come to your help. This discussion focuses on some of the most reputed top 10 charities in the UK. Hopefully, you can find a charity in the UK here, whose mission statement appeals to you!

Top 10 charities to donate to in the UK

Popularity, fame, trust, repute. These synonymous yet very important key terms make or break a charity or trust. The names you will see in the upcoming lines are trusted because they have spent years building this castle of reputation. And of course, work nobility and novelty are also very crucial factors!

1- Transparent Hands

Transparent Hands is the biggest technological platform for crowdfunding. The major area it focuses on is the healthcare sector. Some of the healthcare services which this platform provides are quite astounding. These include medical, optical and surgical camps. Diagnostic tests, medicine, and consultation are provided to the underprivileged, absolutely free of cost.

Donors from all over the world can use the Transparent Hands crowdfunding web portal and donate through 100% secure payment modes. They could select any patient, fund the treatment and receive regular feedback and updates until the patient has recovered completely.

2- British Heart Foundation

British heart foundation is one of the top 10 charities in the UK. This charity organization is one of the most immediate answers which pop up in the mind. This organization employs most of its funds in researching cures for heart diseases. Other areas of research include stroke, dementia, and diabetes. The research conducted is disseminated very efficiently as well.

3- St John Ambulance

With an increasing incidence of accidents, demand for emergency services is increasing as well. This organization well and truly appreciates this situation. The St John Ambulance charity provides first aid and emergency medicine to those in need. The staff working there is comprised of volunteers mostly. It is a noble cause, which is championed by these angels at this magnificent facility!

4- Cancer Research UK

This institute has become one of the key figures in the fight against cancer. There has to be a way via which we can get rid of this malignant disorder, for once and all. Scientific research is the only way through which we can find that magical cure. Cancer Research UK needs funds to be successful in a mission that will save millions of lives!

5- Great Ormond Street Hospital

Well respected and oozing with inspiration, this charity wing of London hospital is one of the charities to donate to this year. Folks there offer support via several ways. Research, rebuilding, reuniting families are some of the ways through which this trust works. A place where your money will be spent well, no doubt about that!

6- Macmillan Cancer Support

A monster that is too difficult to fight on a governmental budget, cancer needs our attention. Macmillan cancer support provides all the possible support, to cancer patients. Special healthcare and further financial support are key features of services offered. Information on this deadly curse is also provided.

7- Keep Britain Tidy

Cleaning the streets might seem a petty issue to some. But clearly, folks at this organization have got other ideas. For nearly half a century, the goal has been to keep the roads clean. A vision that is underrated but so thoughtful. If you care about mother Earth, maybe this is the place your money is going to!

8- Alzheimer’s Research UK

It is hard to find anyone who has anything against this magnificent institute. Operational since 1922, Alzheimer’s Research UK is doing a fine job. Its output efficiency makes it one of the best charities to donate to in the UK.

9- Guide Dogs

Helping partially blind people via guide dogs seems to be an amazing idea, right? Well, the folks at The Guide Dogs have been doing this since 1934. Surely, your donation can’t find a better purpose to serve than this, right?

10- RNLI Lifeboats

If you have ever wondered who saves lives at sea, well it is these folks. The Royal National Lifeboat Institution has been now operating for more than two centuries. Praised by masses, it is one of the top charities to donate to. It is simply because of its noble vision, which it follows dedicatedly!


They say giving is the greatest act of grace. But giving gracefully is also very important. Hence, it becomes imperative that these top 10 charities to donate to in the UK, you must find trustworthy charities to donate to. Can you imagine the chaos if funds of innocent go into the wrong hands?

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