Safest Way To Pay Zakat Online

Safest Way To Pay Zakat Online

Safest Way To Pay Zakat Online

Safest Way To Pay Zakat Online. Scammer and bluff masters are so common these days. There are many people who are unaware that their precious and personal assets and information is at stake. Security breaches are very common these days. A person having credit card is more at stake of getting robbed without even knowing it. It is your credit card that is mostly approached to access your personal data and information. In such situation, it is important to plan about how can you keep yourself financial information safe. Remember that there is no way you can stop these break-ins. However, there are many ways through which you can keep your funds safe and out of the ...


Zakat In Islam

What Is The Meaning Of Zakat And What Is Zakat In Islam? Zakat is one of the most important pillars of Islam. It is mandatory for every muslim who is financially stable, to pay zakat to the poor and needy. Zakat is an act of worship which every muslim should perform to help the underprivileged muslims. In Quran, zakat is discussed for a number of times. According to Islam, zakat is meant to be paid in order to purify the wealth. Therefore, those muslims who have enough wealth have to give a little amount i.e. 2.5% of your wealth to the poor and needy. It is the duty of wealthy people to serve the deprived community by helping them in every possible way. Zakat is...

How to calculate zakat on salary

How to Calculate Zakat on Salary

How to Calculate Zakat on Salary. If you are a job holder, some of all of these questions might have surrounded you once or twice in your life. To make sure that you are paying off all the religious obligations on you, in a better way, you must get answers to all these questions.

eligible for zakat

Who Is Eligible For Zakat

Zakat is a form of charity which is given to the poor and needy. It is one of the five pillars of Islam and is obligatory on every Muslim who is financially stable. The main objective of zakat is to help the society by giving something from your wealth. In return, the Muslims get tremendous rewards not only in this world but also in hereafter.