Donate for Ume Salma’s Safe Delivery

Donate for Ume Salma’s Safe Delivery

Ume Salma pre image
9.2562846357722% Complete (success)
$ 540.87 Required
$ 50 Raised
$ 490.87 Remaining

Ume Salma's Story

Ume Salma, a 38-year-old resident of Multan, is currently in the 32nd week of her fourth pregnancy. Due to her previous history of three C-sections, Ume Salma’s doctor has advised her to undergo another C-section procedure to ensure the safe delivery of her baby. However, Ume Salma’s family finds themselves in a challenging financial situation, unable to afford the cost of the critical surgery.

Ume Salma lives in her parents’ house with her three young daughters and her unemployed husband. With no steady income, the family is entirely dependent on the support of Ume Salma’s brothers. This financial strain has placed a heavy burden on the family, leaving them with limited resources to cover the expenses of the upcoming C-section.

Ume Salma’s doctor has stressed the necessity of the C-section, explaining that any potential risks associated with a natural birth could be life-threatening for both the mother and the baby. Given her previous medical history, the doctor cannot recommend any other course of action that would ensure the safe delivery of Ume Salma’s fourth child.

Ume Salma said in despair:

“I am worried about the health and well-being of my baby. I cannot bear the thought of putting my child’s life at risk. This C-section is crucial, but I don’t know how I will afford it. I feel helpless and afraid, but I am hopeful that with your support, I can ensure a safe delivery for my baby.”

Ume Salma’s case has been registered with Transparent Hands. However, the cost of the C-section procedure remains a significant obstacle for Ume Salma and her family. We urgently call upon the compassionate members of our community to come forward and support Ume Salma’s journey to a safe and healthy delivery. Your generous donations can make all the difference, allowing Ume Salma to receive the critical medical care she and her baby require. Your kindness can be the lifeline that Ume Salma and her family need, ensuring a brighter future for them all.

Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.

 Madihullah Riaz

Donated: $ 50

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