Donate for Zahra Bibi’s Mesh Hernioplasty
Zahra Bibi 's Story
Zahra Bibi, aged 40, hails from Faisalabad and has been suffering from incisional hernia for the last four years or so. But if you are thinking Zahra Bibi is feeling pain for the first time because of a disease, then you are mistaken. Already, the 40-year-old has been diagnosed and treated for hepatitis and diabetes. It was post-her boy’s delivery when she first experienced the pain of the incisional hernia. Complications arose during the delivery, which resulted in the painful condition which was treated by primary surgery for hernia. Zahra Bibi has been suffering from for the last four years as her 1st surgery did not relieve her. In case you need an overview of the disorder, an incisional hernia is a type of hernia caused by an incompletely healed surgical wound. It leads to the formation of a bulge, which can hurt with every little movement the patient makes.
Mesh hernioplasty is probably the safest way of treating a hernia. Surgical meshes are made of biological material and are placed in a manner such that they support the damaged tissue. While there is no doubt about the effectiveness of this surgical procedure, the fact that it is an expensive procedure cannot be denied as well. Zahra Bibi’s family of seven is entirely reliant on her husband’s earnings, which are not even close to 15,000 PKR. Hence, you can understand why she has not undergone a hernioplasty already. Zahra says:
“I thank the Almighty for the hope that Transparent Hands has given me. Because otherwise, I am done with this life. It is too miserable, too bitter, and just too unfair. I haven’t been able to escape from its clutches up till now, but with the help of Transparent Hands, maybe I can win this last battle. But only with Transparent Hands and its help”
Well, you know the patient, you know the story. All that is left for you to do is DONATE for Zahra Bibi’s mesh hernioplasty NOW!
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
Zahra Bibi 's Story
Zahra Bibi, 40 years of age, experienced abdominal pain and lump at a previous surgery site. She had a history of three previous C-sections. After complete check-up, she was diagnosed with incisional hernia. The doctor advised surgery for her. Zahra’s mesh hernioplasty was done on 12-12-2020 in Lahore Care Hospital by Dr. Ahmed Fawad. She remained admitted for three days and had good postoperative recovery. She was discharged in a satisfactory condition.