Donate to Malik Bashir Ahmad for His Hepatitis-C Treatment
Malik Bashir Ahmad's Story
“I had been in severe pain because of my hernia but I was waiting for a hospital to get back to me about doing my surgery for free. It was a relief when I was finally admitted by a hospital but before I even went in for surgery, I was given the bad news that I have hepatitis. Then began the worry of how to arrange for its treatment.” – Bashir Ahmad
Bashir Ahmad, age 70 years, has been recently diagnosed with hepatitis-C. He developed a hernia and was admitted for free surgery when his pre-operative tests detected the disease. His doctor formulated a treatment plan but it is too costly for him to follow through with it.
Before his health problems began, Bashir was a security guard in a private firm and drew a monthly salary of 15000 PKR. Since he retired soon after he became unwell, his sons became financially responsible for him. His two eldest sons earn daily wages of 500 PKR each working as bus and rickshaw drivers. Both married, they support their father and own families on this limited income alone and cannot afford the expenditure of Bashir’s treatment.
Bashir is relying on your donations to proceed with his treatment plan for hepatitis-C. To help him out, please donate to him today.
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
Donated: $ 113.78
Bakhtawar Amin Memorial Trust Hospital
Donated: $ 95.06
Donated: $ 50
Kamran suleman
Donated: $ 30
Ifrah Chaudhry
Donated: $ 30
Launch Good
Donated: $ 26.94
Adnan Shah
Donated: $ 20
Zonaib Shahid Latif
Donated: $ 6.96
Romaisa Malik
Donated: $ 1.63
Malik Bashir Ahmad's Story
Malik Bashir Ahmad, 70 years old, suffered from extreme fatigue and poor appetite. His eyes and skin took a yellowish hue. On detailed medical check-up, he was diagnosed with Hepatitis C. The doctors advised antiviral treatment for six months. Malik’s treatment was carried out in Bakhtawar Amin Trust Teaching Hospital under the supervision of Dr. Talha Rasheeq from 29.07.2020 to 18.01.2021. After completion of his treatment, the virus was not detected in his PCR test. Malik was very happy and relieved to find out that he did not have to take the medicines anymore. He is in good health now and has resumed his daily activities.