Donate to Muhammad Abdullah for His Cochlear Implant
Muhammad Abdullah's Story
Muhammad Abdullah, 3 years old, had hearing loss at birth. Gradually, in about three months following his birth, his parents noticed that he wouldn’t react to sounds. When they took him for a check-up, the doctor informed them that Abdullah’s only way to be able to hear is through a surgically placed cochlear implant.
“I asked the doctor if a hearing aid would work. We are not at all well-off so we can’t afford the surgery but we could have managed to scrape something together for an aid. But the doctor said that Abdullah has to have surgery for his hearing to work again, so I tried to get help from many places but it didn’t work.” – Abdullah’s father, Attiq-ur-Rehman
Attiq-ur-Rehman, struggled a lot to have him treated. He visited all the local hospitals and charitable organizations that he could find, but was either turned away or never heard back from them. On his own, it is impossible for him to pay the cost of this implant. Attiq-ur-Rehman lives with his wife and 3 children (including Abdullah) in a joint family of 18 members. The collective income of the earners in this joint family is 25,000 PKR/month, which is responsible for all the expenses.
Since his last failed efforts, Attiq-ur-Rehman has been waiting for someone to reach out to him for his son’s surgery.
When he learned of Transparent Hands, he decided to have Abdullah registered here. He now earnestly awaits your donations. To help this little boy out, please donate today.
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
Muhammad Abdullah's Story
Muhammad Abdullah, 3 years old, had sensorineural hearing loss since birth. In order to develop his sense of hearing, he was advised to have a cochlear implant surgery. His operation was performed by Dr. Naveed Aslam on 05-12-2020 in National Hospital & Medical Center, Lahore. The internal component of the implant was fixed in this surgery behind Abdullah’s ear. He recovered well after the procedure and was discharged after one day of hospital stay. He was also given follow up advice to come back after 6 weeks for fixation of the external component of this device. The external component has also been installed now by Dr. Atif on 25-01.2021. Abdullah has started hearing and responding to sounds. He is on regular follow ups by the audiologist.